FVOC - Family Voices of Ontario, Canada
FVOC stands for Family Voices of Ontario, Canada
Here you will find, what does FVOC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Family Voices of Ontario, Canada? Family Voices of Ontario, Canada can be abbreviated as FVOC What does FVOC stand for? FVOC stands for Family Voices of Ontario, Canada. What does Family Voices of Ontario, Canada mean?Family Voices of Ontario, Canada is an expansion of FVOC
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- FC Fanconi Canada
- FLHMS Fannie Lou Hamer Middle School
- FB Far Bound
- FMSA Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association
- FS FareStart
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- FA Farm Aid
- FW Farm and Wilderness
- FS Farm Sanctuary